Creating high-resolution patterns often involves extensive CAD manipulation. While this can range from simple tasks like setting tone and polarity to more complex CAD engineering that transforms your initial design into a final product, there is always a potential for issues to arise despite our best efforts. Most commonly, these issues stem from the interpretation of the CAD database. Therefore, it is crucial to verify the data before proceeding to pattern production to ensure the final product meets your expectations.

The verification process consists of four key steps:

  1. Verifying the material and mechanical specifications
  2. Confirming the polarity and tone
  3. Checking data integrity
  4. Reviewing any special notes or instructions

Included in the verification link


Included in the verification link you receive, will be the latest order confirmation. If there have been any changes between the initial and final order confirmation, you will have been informed beforehand. This is your final opportunity to ensure that all mechanical specifications are accurate and meet your requirements.


Attached to the email you receive is a PDF file containing a 3D layout of the final pattern. Please note that this file does NOT represent the final quality of the pattern. It is not intended for checking data accuracy, data integrity, or feature quality. Instead, it is a low-resolution "mock-up" designed to give you a general sense of the pattern's overall appearance.

The primary purpose of this 3D checkplot is to display the polarity of the pattern—indicating which side is the image and which is the base material. We recommend adding text to the pattern to facilitate this identification; you’ll be able to see when the text reads correctly and when it appears mirrored. In some cases, the top and bottom surfaces of the pattern may be identical, in which case polarity is not a concern.

This PDF also illustrates the "tone" of the pattern—showing which parts will be opaque and which will be transparent. It is crucial that this aspect is carefully reviewed.


Polarity and Tone of your pattern

The next step in the verification process is to check the data integrity. This involves reviewing the manipulated or created data file to ensure that all features are present and correct.

Included in the checkplot email is a PDF checkplot. This file is intended to confirm data interpretation, but please note that it is not suitable for assessing dimensional accuracy or feature definition due to its low resolution. The final pattern you receive will be of higher quality, in line with the resolution you specified when placing your order.

To enhance clarity, especially for small features, the PDF checkplot may include multiple pages with zoomed-in views at different levels.



The final step is to review any special notes provided by our CAD engineers regarding the order or pattern. These notes are presented as ANNOTATIONS directly on the view page. They may include arrows, circles, text boxes, or other markers designed to highlight specific points that require your attention and verification.


You will receive an email with a link to access the viewer. There's no need to create an account or sign up; simply click the link to open the project.

You have two options: approve or request changes.

If, after reviewing the project, you're satisfied that everything is correct and wish to proceed, click the GREEN TICK to approve. You'll be prompted to verify the checklist and then finalize your approval by clicking the approve button. Once approved, you will no longer be able to add comments or annotations.

If you do not approve, you can click on the PENCIL icon to add your own annotations. These can include arrows, text boxes, circles, or any other method to convey your feedback. Additionally, you can respond to any annotations left by our engineer. When you're ready, click the RED CROSS to request changes. A message will automatically be sent to our approvals department for further review.