Drafting & Layout Services
When designs are very complex, if you are new to Cad or perhaps you don’t have the time to create a full CAD layout, we can offer a fully tailored drafting and layout service for you. This does not include the actual design because it is only YOU that knows how the design is going to work - but does include a layout in CAD , transferring your notes, scribbles, drawings and mark-ups into a full clean CAD drawing using suitable formats.
Firstly, we collate all of the notes and sketches that you may have to get an understanding of the requirements. These can he hand drawn, or generated in presentation formats such as PowerPoint or notepad. Next, we will quote you based on the amount of work involved, and we will also attempt to estimate the number of hours required. Once we have agreement, we then create the first draft of the drawing and submit it to you for your initial approval. If this is approved, we then make further revisions with greater detail/accuracy and we undergo various revisions until the final drawing is complete to your satisfaction.
Typical easy designs are created in just a few hours, although it may take a day or more for more complex layout.