Transmission, Optical Density, and Contrast Ratio Converter
This tool helps you convert between various transmission values that are commonly used in optical measurements.
You can convert between:
- Transmission (%)
- Optical Density (OD)
- Contrast Ratio (CR)
How to Use the Converter
To use the converter, simply enter a value into any one of the input fields. The calculator will automatically convert and display the equivalent.
Transmission (%): Transmission is the percentage of light that passes through a sample compared to the incident light. It indicates how much light is not absorbed or reflected by the sample. Higher transmission values mean more light passes through.
Optical Density (OD): Optical Density is a logarithmic measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample. It is calculated as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the transmission. Higher OD values indicate greater absorption of light, meaning less light passes through the sample.
Contrast Ratio (CR): Contrast Ratio is the ratio of the luminance of the brightest color (white) to that of the darkest color (black) that a display or imaging system can produce. It indicates the range of brightness the system can display, with higher contrast ratios representing greater differences between light and dark areas.
All values refer to the pattern type (ie. chrome or emulsion) and assume standard transparent substrates and are given as guidance only, please verify before using.