Returns policy
Please notify us immediately if you suspect any product is faulty. You may phone us to tell us, but it must also be made in writing within 14 days. Email is an acceptable form of written notification, but always get a read receipt.
We must always receive the goods back before we can issue a credit. We will cover the costs of returning the goods to us, so long as these costs are reasonable.
We will choose to replace goods free of charge, or rework goods, where we believe that the goods were faulty. We will need to have the goods back with us for inspection before we can do this. We may be able to replace goods before we receive the originals back, but we will not credit the first goods until it has been inspected. If you ask for a replacement before we receive the original, and upon inspection it arises that the goods were supplied not faulty, then you will be required to pay for BOTH sets of goods.
Although every possible care and attention is given to our goods, all work supplied by Photo Data Test Services Ltd t/a JD Photo Data must be thoroughly inspected before use. You must not use our goods without inspecting them and checking their suitability. Use of our goods deems that you have inspected them and have found them suitable.
Photo Data Test Services Ltd t/a JD Photo Data or any of its employees/contractors/owners or otherwise, shall NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE USE OF OUR WORK OR SERVICES.
In certain circumstances where extreme negligence has occurred, and without accepting any liability whatsoever unless a full report has been undertaken, a credit may be given as the discretion of the management to cover the costs of unforeseen handling and/or rework by the customer. This credit shall not exceed 5 times the original price of the job for Photoplotting, 3 times the original cost of the job for film Photomasks, or 2 times the original cost of the job for scanning and/or glass Photomasks.